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来源:昆明信息港  时间:2023-05-10 10:39:34

MV《你把四季装进春天》You Make the Four Seasons Spring


Children"s Chorus


作词:徐荣凯Lyrics by Xu Rongkai 作曲:万里Composer by Wan Li演唱:山林童话合唱团 Chorus by Kunming Forest Wonderland Choir

拍摄、剪辑 张志刚 李文静Editor&Film cutter by Zhang Zhigang&Li Wenjing

我心爱的那个姑娘My beloved girl滇池为你绽放笑脸Dian Lake smiles for you

湛蓝的天空飘动片片白帆White sails set against the blue sky红嘴鸥为你衔来白云蓝天Black-headed gulls with pure clouds fly

听着那大观楼长联低吟浅唱Waves captivated by the Daguan Pavilion"s

lengthy couplets

湖水轻轻舔着你的脚尖Gently,gently,caress your toes

抬起头看见你明亮的眼睛Raising my head I meet your bright eyes漫步南屏述说我们的情缘Strolling Nanping Street we immerse in romance

昆明啊 昆明啊 心爱的姑娘Kunming,Kunming,my beloved girl你把四季装进春天You make the four seasons Spring

昆明啊 昆明啊 美丽的姑娘Kunming,Kunming,my beautiful girl你把四季装进春天You make the four seasons Spring

我心爱的那个姑娘My beloved girl你从古滇家园走来You came from Dian the ancient homeland

西山的睡美人飘动着长发Xishan Mountain, a beauty sleeps with her hair cascading月光下草地上我依偎你身边On the lawn,I snuggle up to you beneath the moonlight

西南联大寂静的课堂啊The silent classrooms of the Southwest Associated University安防着那我们不变的誓言Are where we placed our lasting vows

呈贡繁花石林阿诗玛The blossoms of Chenggong

and the Legendary Ashima of the Stone Forest

写下我们爱恋的诗篇Are the love poems for us

昆明啊 昆明啊 心爱的姑娘Kunming,Kunming,my beloved girl你把四季装进春天You make the four seasons Spring

昆明啊 昆明啊 美丽的姑娘Kunming,Kunming,my beautiful girl你把四季装进春天You make the four seasons Spring

(彩龙社区 牦牛影像)
